Small Appliances

Terms & Conditions of Warranty

Warranty Period

This product comes with a two year manufacturerā€™s warranty effective from the purchasing date on valid proof-of-purchase, original receipts or invoices or delivery date (if the delivery date is later than the purchasing date).

Warranty Coverage
  • If the product has a manufacturing defect during the warranty period, you can contact Joyoung Malaysia after-sales service team or authorized distributor/retailer. Upon verification of the defect, you can apply for free Warranty Repair Service.
  • Note: Packing materials like boxes, interior foam, paper cards, user manual and other consumables parts are not covered under warranty.
Exclusion from warranty

The warranty does not cover

  • normal wear and tear
  • use of the product in commercial usage.Ā 
  • Alterations to the product spare part from non-authorized service centres
  • Damage caused by improper use, including mishandling or damage by third parties
  • No warranty for accessories/consumable parts
Paid Repair Services (within warranty period)

Free warranty repair service will not be applicable in any of the following situations, though paid repair services are available:

  • Products purchased from unauthorized dealers or sellers
  • Product does not comply with Malaysia product standard, including differences in voltage and adapter compatibility."
  • Damage caused by improper use, maintenance, and storage.
  • Defects found after the warranty period has expired
  • Damage from unauthorized disassembly
  • Damage due to natural disaster, accidents, or ven beyond our control (e.g. acts of God, floods, accidents, governmental orders)
  • Failure or damage due to misuse or abuse such as incorrect operation, liquid exposure, inappropriate voltage, or transportation damage.
Charges for Non-Warranty Repairs
  • After receiving the defective product sent by the customer, Joyoung Malaysia service team will inspect the product to determine whether it is covered by the warranty.
  • If the damage is due to misuse or is outside the warranty, you will be responsible for the repair fees, parts costs, and one-way shipping costs if you opt for repair services.
  • If you choose to cancel the repair for non-warranty products, you will be responsible for both round-trip shipping costs.

** Note: SC Alliances (M) Sdn Bhd reserves the right to reject any warranty claim if the appliance is used for commercial or semi-commercial purposes, or if the product does not comply with Malaysian product standards, including differences in voltage and adapter compatibility.

Contact us:

  1. General inquiry: Please contact our customer service team: +6010-8801010.
  2. Live Chat: Joyoung.MY (Shopee/Lazada)
  3. Technical Support: Please contact our service centre at 03-80266266 (Highpoint Service Network Sdn Bhd)

Operation Hours: 9am-6pm (Mon-Fri)
*Closed on Public Holiday





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  1. äø€čˆ¬å’ØčÆ¢ļ¼ščÆ·č”ē³»å®¢ęˆ·ęœåŠ”团队ļ¼š+6010-8801010怂
  2. åœØēŗæå’ØčÆ¢ļ¼šJoyoung.MYļ¼ˆShopee/Lazadaļ¼‰
  3. ꊀęœÆå’ØčÆ¢ļ¼ščÆ·č”ē³»ęœåŠ”äø­åæƒļ¼š03-80266266ļ¼ˆHighpoint Service Network Sdn Bhdļ¼‰


Living Appliances

Terms & Conditions of Warranty

Warranty Period
This product comes with a two year manufacturerā€™s warranty effective from the purchasing date on valid proof-of-purchase, original receipts or invoices or delivery date (if the delivery date is later than the purchasing date).
Warranty Coverage
  • If the product has a manufacturing defect during the warranty period, you can contact Joyoung Malaysia after-sales service team or authorized distributor/retailer. Upon verification of the defect, you can apply for free Warranty Repair Service.
  • Note: Packing materials like boxes, interior foam, paper cards, user manual and other consumables parts are not covered under warranty.
Exclusion from warranty

The warranty does not cover

  • normal wear and tear
  • use of the product in commercial usage.
  • Alterations to the product spare part from non-authorized service centres
  • Damage caused by improper use, including mishandling or damage by third parties
  • Damage resulting from external factors such as batteries
  • Use of a Joyoung floor washer for cleaning white ashes, sand, dust and other non-household garbage.
  • Use of a Joyoung floor washer for decoration, ornament or cleaning in a commercial environment.
  • Use of a Joyoung floor washer for cleaning in an environment with special adsorption chemicals, metal or other microparticles.
  • Use of a Joyoung floor washer in an environment with corrosive objects.
  • No warranty for accessories and consumable parts such as roller brush, filter, charging base & etc.
Paid Repair Services (within warranty period)
  • Free warranty repair service will not be applicable in any of the following situations, though paid repair services are available:
  • Products purchased from unauthorized dealers or sellers
  • Product does not comply with Malaysia product standard, including differences in voltage and adapter compatibility."
  • Damage caused by improper use, maintenance, and storage.
  • Defects found after the warranty period has expired
  • Damage from unauthorized disassembly
  • Damage due to natural disaster, accidents, or ven beyond our control (e.g. acts of God, floods, accidents, governmental orders)
  • Failure or damage due to misuse or abuse such as incorrect operation, liquid exposure, inappropriate voltage, or transportation damage.
Charges for Non-Warranty Repairs
  • After receiving the defective product sent by the customer, Joyoung Malaysia service team will inspect the product to determine whether it is covered by the warranty.
  • If the damage is due to misuse or is outside the warranty, you will be responsible for the repair fees, parts costs, and one-way shipping costs if you opt for repair services.
  • If you choose to cancel the repair for non-warranty products, you will be responsible for both round-trip shipping costs.

Contact us:

  1. General inquiry: Please contact our customer service team: +6010-8801010.
  2. Live Chat: Joyoung.MY (Shopee/Lazada)
  3. Technical Support: Please contact our service centre at 03-80266266 (Highpoint Service Network Sdn Bhd)

Operation Hours: 9am-6pm (Mon-Fri)
*Closed on Public Holiday